ASAL will as well seek to partner with appropriate organizations to establish and offer vocational training that imparts necessary skills required to engage in the different livelihood activities. ASAL recognizes the important role of sustainable climate change responsive actions and management of natural resources in food and nutrition security, social and economic security through sustainable natural resources focused livelihood activities that guarantee stable incomes from gainful employment. Such stable and sustainable livelihood activities would include use of alternative energy in irrigated agriculture such as solar for powering irrigation water pumps, rangeland management, income generating projects utilizing rangeland resources such as mat making, traditional handicraft, beekeeping, afforestation, restoration of degraded rangelands as well as advocacy in better methods of utilization of the rangelands.
including rainwater harvesting in rural areas and farming communities, and sanitation and hygiene promotion in IDP camps and urban areas.
For GBV related service provision, prevention and awareness, ASAL will enhance medical, legal and psychosocial support to those affected by GBV. In providing protection related services ASAL will encourage use of street lighting, crime control and will mainstream GBV and gender in all projects and programme to be implemented by ASAL.
ASAL aims to partner with organisations whose support is focussed on response in life saving interventions among communities including refugees, IDPs and host communities. ASAL will also partner in all cases with relevant state actors in Somalia for the execution of its programmes and interventions.
ASAL aims to partner with organisations whose support is focussed on response in life saving interventions among communities including refugees, IDPs and host communities. ASAL will also partner in all cases with relevant state actors in Somalia for the execution of its programmes and interventions.
ASAL focus in infrastructure will be in areas of rural feeder roads, shelter for IDPS, returnees and refugees. It will also support rehabilitation and construction of public facilities e.g., Medical Health Centres, schools, emergency latrines, and public offices. Appropriate and functioning infrastructure especially roads will allow communities to participate in market-oriented production activities and value addition for locally produced materials and goods.