Vision: ASAL’s vision is to establish prosperous communities by executing sustainable development and empowerment programs, which ultimately enhance resilience and well-being for all.
Mission: ASAL’s mission is to empower communities through integrated programs that effectively address their fundamental needs, promote sustainable development, and enhance their capacity for positive change.
The core objective of (ASAL is to optimize the quality of life of individuals by enhancing their livelihoods, infrastructure, social support, protection and environmental stewardship. The organization strives to bring about long-term positive change and promote the development of resilient communities while upholding human dignity and rights. ASAL recognizes the importance of environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation and is committed to preserving natural resources for future generations. Through its unwavering dedication and tireless efforts, ASAL aims to empower communities and foster sustainable development.
ASAL’s core values or principles define the uniting force that keeps the organisation together and the basis of undertaking interventions. The members uphold the following core values that guide initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life among rural and urban populations.
ASAL is committed to honesty, to maintaining clarity in communication and presenting as truthfully as is possible the organisation’s view of important issues of concern to the stakeholders. The organisation will ensure that stakeholders value its views on critical matters.
Inclusivity and Participation
ASAL will employ a participatory and inclusive approach during programming and implementation of all interventions. ASAL will welcome and embrace ideas that will help deliver better services in humanitarian and development interventions.
Transparency and accountability
In ensuring transparency and accountability, ASAL will endeavour to remove barriers to information and technology sharing with other stakeholders, will take into account how others may be affected by its actions and accept responsibility and consequences for wrongdoing and take credit only for its own achievements. ASAL will endeavour to set a good example to others at all times.
Quality service and competitiveness
ASAL’s competitiveness will be based on the quality of service it provides. The organization will uphold its dignity by ensuring the services provided will always be of high quality and that best practices will guide all its interventions.
ASAL will be impartial to societal inclinations, only recognising those that are truthful and just. It will provide opportunity to all on equal basis without favour or discrimination.
Embracing other’s views requires ASAL to maintain a flexible approach that will allow the organisation to explore alternative solutions that will be best suited to each unique problem.
The organisation, staff and members will endeavour to build and maintain respect from all persons they may come into contact with by ensuring that promises are kept, commitments are followed up and that all stakeholders interest are actively acknowledged. ASAL plans to enrich the creativity and talent by learning from others and commit to use all resources put at the organization’s disposal wisely.
ASAL believes that working as a team provides more opportunities to be resourceful and increases the probability of trust, honesty and competence as each member (individual or group) is entrusted to contribute to leadership and appropriate solutions.
Commitment and pro-activeness
ASAL is committed to providing appropriate solutions and creating awareness among all stakeholders on issues related to humanitarian and development services, utilisation and conservation of natural environment. ASAL will be pro-active at all times to ensure that we start enquiry and looking for solutions before problems materialise and remain focussed to our core business of ensuring a holistic management of all interventions.
Community and partner empowerment
By empowering partner and community members ASAL will build a pool of resources that will be able to contribute to successful implementation of humanitarian and development intervention.
Gender focus
In its programming and intervention implementation ASAL will remain gender focussed within the context of Somalia ensuring that youth (boys and girls), the disabled, men and women have equal access and benefit from its interventions without discrimination or favour. Within this context ASAL will where necessary, practice affirmative action to ensure that those disadvantaged, minority and marginalised groups in society can be independently targeted for support.
Integration of disadvantaged
The disadvantaged including victims of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and HIV/AIDS affected persons will be integrated into ASAL’s programming and implementation ensuring that those affected are not discriminated against. ASAL will also ensure that psycho-social counselling is undertaken, and that awareness is created to prevent further spread and infection by HIV and spread of gender-based violence.
In adhering to the above core values the staff and board members will be able to articulate ASAL’s vision and mission. During implementation, these guiding values will ensure that ASAL programming and implementation is focussed to best-suited interventions and maintains a clear vision of the interactions between the livelihood of the target beneficiaries and services provided.